47 research outputs found

    Learning a statistical model of product aspects for sentiment analysis

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    En este art culo se introduce una nueva metodolog a para modelar ca- racter sticas de productos a partir de una colecci on de opiniones de usuarios. La metodolog a propuesta se basa en modelos estad sticos de lenguajes y es aplicable a productos de dominio arbitrario. La metodolog a combina un kernel de palabras de opini on con un modelo de traducci on de palabras para estimar el modelo de caracter sticas. Se presenta adem as un m etodo para modelar las opiniones vertidas sobre las caracter sticas. Los experimentos realizados sobre diferentes colecciones de opiniones muestran resultados alentadores en el modelado tanto de caracter sticas como de opiniones vertidas sobre estasIn this paper, we introduce a new methodology for modeling product aspects from a collection of free-text customer reviews. The proposal relies on a lan- guage modeling framework and is domain independent. It combines both a kernel- based model of opinion words and a stochastic translation model between words to approach the aspect model of products. We also present a ranking-based met- hodology to model the sentiments expressed about the aspects. The experiments carried out over several collections of customer reviews show encouraging results in the modeling of product aspects and their sentiments even from individual customer review

    Aprendizaje de un modelo de características de productos para el análisis de opiniones

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    En este artículo se introduce una nueva metodología para modelar características de productos a partir de una colección de opiniones de usuarios. La metodología propuesta se basa en modelos estadísticos de lenguajes y es aplicable a productos de dominio arbitrario. La metodología combina un kernel de palabras de opinión con un modelo de traducción de palabras para estimar el modelo de características. Se presenta además un método para modelar las opiniones vertidas sobre las características. Los experimentos realizados sobre diferentes colecciones de opiniones muestran resultados alentadores en el modelado tanto de características como de opiniones vertidas sobre éstas.In this paper, we introduce a new methodology for modeling product aspects from a collection of free-text customer reviews. The proposal relies on a language modeling framework and is domain independent. It combines both a kernel-based model of opinion words and a stochastic translation model between words to approach the aspect model of products. We also present a ranking-based methodology to model the sentiments expressed about the aspects. The experiments carried out over several collections of customer reviews show encouraging results in the modeling of product aspects and their sentiments even from individual customer reviews.This work has been partially funded by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” with contract number TIN2011-24147 and by the Fundació Caixa Castelló project P1-1B2010-49. Lisette García-Moya has been supported by the PhD Fellowship Program of the Universitat Jaume I (PREDOC/2009/12)

    Exploring the antecedents of customers’ willingness to use service robots in restaurants.

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    This study examines the willingness of customers to accept, and their intention to recommend, the services provided by service robots in restaurants. A mixed-methods research approach was taken to evaluate a theoretical model based on behavioural reasoning theory (BRT). The results demonstrated the important influence of positive attitudes and objections to the use of service robots on consumers’ willingness to use service robots, as well as their intention to recommend restaurants that use them. Among the main aspects that affect attitudes and objections, we found hedonic perceptions, perceived safety, interaction quality perception and anthropomorphism.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This research was supported by the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI) of the Andalusian Government (Grant: Research Group SEJ-567) (Spain)

    Analyzing the effect of social support and community factors on customer engagement and its impact on loyalty behaviors toward social commerce websites.

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    While research into customer engagement receives much attention, few studies have examined why consumers engage in social commerce and the resulting consequences for companies. This study explores the influence of social support and community factors on customer engagement and the subsequent effects on customer loyalty toward social commerce websites. We propose a model to investigate the differences between the influence of social support and three community factors (community drivenness, community identification and community trust) on customer engagement, and the impact of customer engagement on four customer loyalty dimensions, one transactional (repurchase intention) and three non-transactional (willingness to co-create, stickiness intention and positive eWOM intention). We conducted a survey and collected data from 437 users of Facebook social commerce websites. The findings show that customer engagement is a key predictor of the four dimensions of customer loyalty toward social commerce websites. In addition, the results indicate that social support and two community factors significantly affect customer engagement. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications.This work was supported by the Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (convocatoria 2017), Grupo SEJ-567 (Spain)

    Brand personality: Current insights and future research directions

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    The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of the scientific contributions made by brand personality (BP) research, to identify its predominant themes and to propose a relevant research agenda. An analysis was undertaken of the 1051 brand personality-related articles published over the period 1987–2022 that are indexed in the Scopus scientific database. A bibliometric approach was adopted to systematically analyse the publications, and a performance analysis and science mapping were undertaken. The results showed that the motor themes of BP research related to its conceptualisation, dimensions and measurement, its impact on consumer-brand relationships and application in tourism destination-focused studies. Emerging BP-focused themes are its applications in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, service robots, storytelling and tourism segments, such as luxury. This study contributes by providing a better understanding of the state-of-the-art research on BP, and by identifying future research directionsThis study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme of Andalusia 2014-2020, through the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (Plan Andaluz de Investigaci´on, Desarrollo e Innovación) PAIDI 2020 (Grant: P20_00457), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España) (Grant: FPU20/00235). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Exploring the impacts of interactions, social presence and emotional engagement on active collaborative learning in a social web-based environment.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/27886 (submitted version)This study examines the influence of social presence, interactions (student-student and teacher-student) and emotional engagement on active learning within the context of social web-based collaborative learning (SWBCL). In order to accomplish this objective, an empirical study was conducted with 416 students from two universities, organized into groups of 4 or 5 students, who were instructed to complete a collaborative project over the course of one semester. At the end of the project, the students filled out a questionnaire and the resulting data was analyzed using the partial least squares (PLS) technique. The results suggest that social presence and teacher-student interaction have a positive influence on students’ active learning, both directly and indirectly, through emotional engagement. This variable also mediates the influence of student-student interactions, which have a less significant impact on active learning than the other analyzed variables. Consequently, this study offers important contributions to the study and practice of active learning in a SWBCL environment.The authors would like to thank all the students who participated in this study. The work presented in this paper was supported by an internal grant at the Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech (Spain), Proyecto de Innovación Educativa [grant number PIE15-92]

    Impact of perceived value on intention to use voice assistants: The moderating effects of personal innovativeness and experience

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    Voice assistants (VAs), such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant, are instruments increasingly used by consumers to perform daily tasks. The objectives of the present study are to examine the antecedents of consumers' continuance intention to use VAs and the moderating effects of personal innovativeness and experience. Based on behavioral reasoning theory, a research model is proposed to provide insights into the drivers of continuance intention to use. Two empirical studies, based on data collected via online surveys, were conducted. The model was analyzed through partial least squares structural equation modeling. The findings of the studies showed that emotional value and performance expectancy were key antecedents of continuance intention to use, which in turn positively influenced actual use and word‐of‐mouth intention. In contrast, the quality value was a significant antecedent of continuance intention to use in only one of the two studies, and the influence of price value, social value, effort expectancy, and privacy risk was not found to be significant. However, the second study showed that several of these relationships are moderated by the consumer's experience and personal innovativeness; specifically, less innovative users are sensitive to quality value, and experienced users are sensitive to social valueAndalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (PAIDI 2020)Grant: Group SEJ‐567 (Spain)Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    Exploring the impact of virtual reality experiences on intention to visit tourism destinations: the moderating effect of interactivity

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    This paper aims to accomplish three goals: firstly, to examine how the use of VR technologies in exploring a tourist destination shapes the destination's image and influences visit intentions; secondly, to evaluate the role of the 'sense of presence' in creating the consumer experience; and thirdly, to investigate the moderating effect of the technology's interactivity level. The model for this study incorporates the variables of sense of presence (Makransky et al., 2017), customer experience (Bleier et al. 2019), destination image (Molinillo et al., 2018), and intention to visit (Flavián et al., 2019). It posits that the sense of presence impacts customer experience positively, which, in turn, shapes the destination image. Both factors determine the intention to visit. A lab-based experiment with undergraduate students was carried out, manipulating two factors: the tourist destination (Paris n = 42, vs. Singapore n = 37) and the type of VR technology (Google Earth n = 25, StreetView n = 25, 360 video n = 29). Participants interacted with the VR representation of their assigned destination for 10 minutes and completed a questionnaire afterward. The mean age was 20.84 years, with 53% females, 40.5% first-time VR users, and 68.4% having taken at least one international trip in the past three years. The results showed that the perceived levels of interactivity vary between different VR technologies. The intention to visit didn't significantly differ based on the proximity of the destination viewed. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression method used to assess the model confirmed all hypothesized relationships. Multi-group analysis (MGA) showed no significant differences between the three technologies concerning the effects of social presence on customer experience and destination image, but there were significant differences in their effects on the intention to visit. Google Earth resulted in the highest average intention to visit.This study was funded by the FEDER Operational Program of Andalusia 2014-2020, within the framework of the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development, and Innovation PAIDI 2020 (Project: P20_00457) and by the Promotion of Research Projects in Social and Legal Sciences, Humanities, Architecture, and Fine Arts (Plan propio) Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia TEch (Project: B3-2021_01)

    Impacto de la estética y las emociones en la intención de reutilizar y en la compulsividad en el uso de aplicaciones de comida a domicilio.

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    Las aplicaciones de comida a domicilio (FDA) han experimentado en los últimos años un auge sin precedentes en todo el mundo. Este estudio utiliza el marco de la teoría PAD para explorar el impacto del diseño estético y la formalidad de las FDA sobre las emociones evocadas, la intención de reutilizar y la compulsividad en su uso. Para ello se analizaron datos procedentes de una muestra de 1.029 usuarios. Los resultados muestran que el atractivo estético y la formalidad estética influyen en las emociones de dominio, activación y placer, que a su vez afectan a la intención de reutilizar y a la compulsividad. Esta investigación proporciona información relevante para las empresas de FDA y responsables de políticas públicas, promoviendo estrategias sostenibles y responsables. Los hallazgos amplían la teoría PAD en el contexto de FDA y destacan la importancia de las emociones.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech